’Hello $FirstName’ - marketing experts discussing the topic of personalization
Ready to learn about personalization in marketing? Where first season was based on the book ’Hello $FirstName - Profiting from Personalization’ - Season 2 takes it further to explore the Content Crisis of Personalization - and the roles that the Content Layer (hint: a parallel to the Data Layer but with... well Content) and GenAI play in truly making personalization scale. The book is available in print and kindle and can be bought here: https://amzn.eu/d/7con9Ex (or your local .com, .co.uk, .se amazon...) A written abstract of the book can be downloaded here: https://agillic.com/free-ebook-hello-firstname/ All models and illustrations from the book can be downloaded here: https://www.omnichannelinstitute.com/resources?lang=en
Wednesday Aug 23, 2023
Wednesday Aug 23, 2023
In this Episode, Rasmus Houlind gives an introduction to the podcast series and concludes with the Introduction from the book 'Hello $Firstname' and sets the listener on the path to learning all about personalization and how to create value for both company and customers.
The full book is available in print and kindle and can be bought here.
(or your local amazon...)
An abstract of the book can be downloaded here.
All models and illustrations from the book can be downloaded here.
The Bowtie of Personalization
This podcast is based on the book 'Hello $FirstName' by authors Rasmus Houlind and Frans Riemersma.
Episodes will consist in turn of audio chapters from the book and subsequently discussions of the topic with experts and practitioners.
All models used in the book are available for download and free to use. Go to: www.omnichannelinstitute.com/resources?lang=en
A written abstract can be downloaded here: www.agillic.com/free-ebook-hello-firstname/